I am Melody Delan Elideros, I was born on May 18, I graduated junior highschool at Saint Francis National High school and because of my effort and persistence I got honor and awards.

Back in 2022, I joined futsal, and thank god we won. Our 3 weeks of training was worth it and all of us member are beginners, even  though we are beginner in futsal, we showed that we can compete with them and even if other underestimate us.

I was one of the chosen to play in CLARAA and represent Bataan in the entire r region 3 and thanks to god we won and brought home a silver. 




                                                                    PLAYING SPORT


My parent are my biggest role model. They are the reason why I'm studying hard and and want to pay back all their sacrifices that they've done for us.

My father is a fishermen and I'm very proud that I have a very hardworking Papa, He's doing all his best just to provide for all our daily needs. 

My mother is a Housewife, She's the strongest woman I know,  a very loving and caring and supportive mama, I have the best mama in the world, even we're stubborn sometimes she never beat us and we never heard any curse or hurtful words from her. She's very kind. 

I have 5 siblings and I'm the middle child, we fought sometimes and it's normal that we have some argument and disagreement. Still family is everything,   they're the only one who stay forever.  


These is my friends, I'm lucky for them that they came to my live. They making me laugh every time that I am sad or not in the mood. My friends taught me the important of having fund and enjoying life, I would like to say a lot more but I don't have time hehe, but I can only tell you one thing ANG SOLID NYO KASAMA!


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